Since its establishment in 1948, the Research Center for Group Dynamics’ mission has been to advance the understanding of human behavior in social contexts; making clear the linkages between an individual’s psychological life and the life of the society to which the individual belongs.
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Meet Kristine Ajrouch
MCCFAD Co-Director joins RCGD as research professor, with new Healthy Aging grant addressing dementia-related stigma among MENA-Americans Growing up in an immigrant family, Kristine Ajrouch (Ahzh-ROOSH) has always been intrigued by people who immigrated – how they...
Study: Racial bias is no ‘false alarm’ in policing
Black drivers are more frequently searched during traffic stops without finding contraband than white drivers, according to a University of Michigan study. Institute for Social Research scientists Maggie Meyer and Richard Gonzalez analyzed data from 98 million traffic...