Register now for BioSocial Methods ICPSR Summer Workshops
BioSocial Methods and the Research Center for Group Dynamics are proud to offer a new ICPSR summer workshops in 2024: An introduction to psychophysiology, to explore the relationship between the human mind and body. It is not too late to register for this hybrid workshop: Visit the ICSPR Summer Workshops site and find the “Register Now” button at the bottom of the page.
July 31, 2024 – August 2, 2024, Hybrid (Online or in-person at the University of Michigan), 9:00 AM-5:00 PM ET (20 contact hours)
Psychophysiology research explores the relationship between the human mind and the body: how they interact with and influence each other. Psychophysiological data is increasingly accessible and pervasive within social science. This workshop provides foundational knowledge for critical thinking about this technology. The workshop will focus on three commonly used psychophysiological ‘channels’: electrocardiogram (EKG), photoplethysmography (PPG – Pulse Oximetry), and electrodermal activity (EDA or GSR – Galvanic Skin Response). Through a combination of lecture, hands-on activities, and small group discussion, learners will explore the biological underpinnings of these channels, essentials of data acquisition, and art of signal processing. In-person attendees and online attendees who participate synchronously (‘remote operators’) will have the opportunity to directly interact with a wide variety of sensor models that collect EKG, PPG, and EDA data. Learners will have the opportunity to compare both lab-grade and consumer-grade recording equipment. Free, open-source tools and scripts will be used for signal processing (R, Python, NeuroKit2). Contemporary issues in psychophysiology will be discussed, including the ongoing impacts of non-inclusivity in sensor research and potential solutions.
Intended audience: This workshop is intended for social science students and researchers with no prior psychophysiology experience. This course is meant for the true beginner.
Prerequisite: Signal processing will be carried out in R and Python (NeuroKit2): Previous experience with the R, Python, or similar is helpful, but all the necessary code and support will be provided.
Fee: ICPSR Member – $1600; ICPSR Non-member – $2900