Welcome and Series Overview

Monday, September 18, 2017

Louis Penner and Allison Earl

Series Overview: Stigma and discrimination are social phenomena in which selected individuals become devalued and the victims of unfair and harmful treatment. Historically, research has focused on the psychological consequences of being the target of stigma and/or discrimination. However, recent research provides persuasive evidence that the consequences of stigmatization and discrimination extend far beyond just a target’s feelings. Stigma and discrimination affect the physical and psychological health of a broad range of people. These effects range from direct effects on physiological and (epi) genetic processes to people’s decisions about health behavior and the health care they receive. The seminar series will present speakers whose work explores the pathways that link stigma, discrimination and health and the processes that moderate or mediate these pathways.

If you would like to meet with the speaker, please click here to contact Anna Massey.